3 Months In Japan Without A Plan



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3 Months In Japan - Without A Plan 

[NOTE: This is an older post, but I've left it here unchanged to provide some historical perspective on my personal journey.  I'm working on a major update to this post. In the meantime, if there's anything I can help you with feel free to check out my services, or brose my Japan Travel Store.

If you're looking for more practical help planning a long trip to Japan, check out the Further Inspiration section below.]

In a few days my wife and I will be returning to the land of the rising sun. To live there for 3 months in Japan. (This has been a long time coming!)

Ironically, although it will be the most amount of time I've spent in Japan in one trip, I basically have no travel plan.

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Revisiting Kyushu

Well, that's not entirely accurate. We do have an itinerary taking us up until Christmas - which revolves around revisiting the southern island of Kyushu - which I'm really looking forward to.

But, that aside, nothing else it yet planned or booked. (I haven't even ordered my Japan Rail Pass yet.)

Sado Sadogashima The Real Japan Rob Dyer

Relaxing in a garden on Sado Island

Start to a new life

For a bit of a control freak like me, 3 months in Japan without a plan is quite a big deal.

But that's because this trip is not a holiday. It's the start of a new life.

"But that's because this trip is not a holiday. It's the start of a new life."

One where we split my time between Japan and the UK. (I left my job in October, so I can dedicate all my time to The Real Japan.)

And because we'll be there for so long, we can plan once we're there.

I've a few ideas of new places I want to see, and there are some friends I'd like to meet up with.

Of course, I'll be Tweeting, YouTubing, Facebooking, etc as we go along, so you can see how this new adventure develops and turns out.

Ashiya Rob Dyer The Real Japan

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3 Months In Japan Without A Plan Rob Dyer The Real Japan

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Rob Dyer The Real Japan

About the Author

A writer and publisher from England, Rob has been exploring Japan’s islands since 2000. He specialises in travelling off the beaten track, whether on remote atolls or in the hidden streets of major cities. He’s the founder of TheRealJapan.com.


Further Inspiration

A selection of posts and resources I offer that will help inspire you and plan your own journey...

My Services

Browse my Japan Travel Services

The Real Japan Store

My online Store includes books, guides, audiobooks, and more designed for making trip planning easier:
Browse The Real Japan Store

General Trip Planning Ideas

How To Plan A Trip To Japan In Just 4 Steps!
5 Essential Things You Need BEFORE Going To Japan
Japan Rail Pass Ultimate Guide
Japan - Why You Need To Go Beyond Tokyo

Cheap Accommodation

How To Stay In A Decent Cheap Hotel In Tokyo

Not Being Able To Speak Japanese

How To Travel In Japan Without Speaking Japanese
How The Japanese Anticipate Other People's Needs
Visiting Japan Without Speaking Japanese

Visiting in Spring for Cherry Blossoms

Spring: Cherry Blossom Party Time!

Enjoying Different Regional Food

Eating Your Way Around Japan
Discovering Okinawan Food and Goods

How about you? Are you happy travelling without a plan - or do you feel the need to have a carefully considered and worked out itinerary in advance? I'd love to hear from you - please leave a comment below.

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Book Your Trip: Japan Travel Essentials

Click to See My Recommendations

Book Your Flight
Find the best flight by using Skyscanner. It's my go-to flight search engine because it has the most comprehensive global search options.

Book Your Accommodation
I frequently use Booking.com as they consistently offer the cheapest rates and most flexible cancellation options for hotels and guesthouses. Use Hostelworld if you're looking for budget-priced options.

Book Your Japan Rail Pass
The best official agent by a country mile is JRPass.com. Clear and easy to use website. Excellent customer service.

Book Your WiFi
I never travel in Japan without pocket WiFi. Get Ninja WiFi for unlimited internet everywhere, use Google Maps, supports up to 10 devices.

Book Your SIM Card or eSIM
Order your physical
SIM Cards or eSIMs to stay connected and in touch while in Japan.

Book Your Hire Car
Rent a car in Japan without speaking or reading Japanese via Booking.com's Car Rental portal.

Ready To Book Your Trip?
Check out my Recommended Japan Travel Resources. The list covers all the essentials. It’s filled with carefully selected travel resources. And I only include the best travel resources - those I use myself or recommend to my clients.

Need Help Planning Your Trip?
Japan Travel Store includes essential travel items as well as my books, travel guides and more.

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